The pile fermentation process is a common method of fermentation treatment. It involves mixing agricultural waste such as manure and straw into a mixture, which is then piled into long strips
The pile fermentation process is a common method of fermentation treatment. It involves mixing agricultural waste such as manure and straw into a mixture, which is then piled into long strips
Aerobic composting is recognized as one of the most effective biochemical technologies for environmentally sustainable treatment of agricultural wastes, such as chicken manure (CM)
2023/1/1/ · Composting technology is a green and environment-friendly solid waste resource treatment technology that reduces environmental pollution, for example, compared to direct
2024/4/1/ · SMHC incorporates the advantages of open aerobic fermentation and closed aerobic fermentation, with low investment and maintenance costs, easy operation, flexible use,
2022/1/20/ · To process this quantity of biomass, 1 to 2 Earth-cube systems would be required and this would increase to four systems for a five tier production system with a target
2024/2/1/ · Reactor composting is the process of aerobic fermentation of organic waste, such as food waste, livestock manure, and crop straw, in an integrated closed reactor. Reactors
2024/2/12/ · The kitchen waste and greening waste were mixed and used to compost materials, through a degradation device of aerobic composting of reversing ventilation to
2011/1/1/ · Microbiological and biotechnological characteristics of intensification of aerobic processing of organic waste have been reviewed, with a view for revealing two types of
2024/5/20/ · The large-scale production of maricultural solid waste is not used effectively and has a significant impact on the environment. However, there is no report on the utilization of
Aerobic composting, especially semipermeable membrane-covered aerobic fermentation, is known to be an effective method for recycling and reducing vegetable waste. However, this
and the inoculation of microbial inoculants not only reduce the fermentation cycle but also enhance the research demonstrated that adding 5–10% of compost biochar to kitchen waste
2024/9/1/ · Walther et al. designed a system to recover the waste heat from aerobic composting, which provides heat for building heating. The simulation results indicated that the …
2020/12/1/ · However, regardless of whether aerobic composting or wet or dry anaerobic fermentation are used to process food waste, the treatment effectiveness is largely dependent …